2024 Women in GR and their Allies Budget Week Breakfast with special guest Alison Kitchen
The Australian Professional Government Relations Association (APGRA), in conjunction with Women in Government Relations, is once again hosting the Women in GR Budget Week Breakfast.
Join us for a fireside chat and Q&A with Alison Kitchen at Hotel Realm on Wednesday 15th May and to meet and network with other women and allies in the Government Relations industry.
Alison is a director, and Audit Committee Chair of NAB, a director and macro economic committee chair of the Business Council of Australia and a Councillor and Audit and Risk Committee Chair of the Australia National University. Alison was the National Chairman of KPMG Australia from 2017 to 2023 and a member of KPMG’s Global and Regional Boards and Chair of KPMG’s Global Audit Quality Committee for the same period. Alison had a lengthy career at KPMG as an audit partner for some of Australia’s largest and most complex listed companies. Alison has a Bachelor of Business Studies from the University of Sheffield. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and of the Institute in England and Wales and a Member of the Institute of Company Directors and Chief Executive Women.
Tickets are $25 and include tea, coffee and breakfast.
Allies are welcome to join and support women in the profession as well.
Numbers are strictly limited.
Please RSVP until Thursday, 9th May 2024, COB.